Land Use and Development Policies and Guidelines
(This electronic version is amended up to March 28, 2012)
(Note to subscribers: The most recent paper update is amended up to
January 1, 2009. Subsequent amendments which may appear in this electronic
consolidation will be included in a future update package.)
Explanation of amendments since January 1, 2009
- Rezoning Applications and Heritage Revitalisation Agreements During Community Plan Programs in the West End, Marpole and Grandview-Woodland (pdf, 200kb) was amended by Council on March 28, 2012;
- Kerrisdale RS Districts Rezoning Policy has been removed from the webpage, having been superseded by the rezoning policy in the Arbutus Ridge/Kerrisdale/Shaughnessy Community Vision (pdf, 167 kb), adopted by Council November 1, 2005;
- Downtown District Interim Policies for New Residential in Areas C and F; and for Conversion of Existing Office Space to Residential Use has been removed from the webpage, having been superseded by the following policies - Office Conversion Policy (pdf, 207 kb) and Rezoning Policy for the Central Business District (CBD) and CBD Shoulder (pdf, 291 kb), as adopted by Council on June 16, 2009
- Strathcona
Policies is now listed in the M and I Policies and Guidelines section, in addition to the General Policies and Guidelines section;
- Strata Title and Cooperative Conversion Guidelines (pdf, 221 kb) are updated to reflect new fees effective January 1, 2012;
- Artist Studio
Guidelines (pdf,
79 kb) are currently being reviewed to improve the design and function of artist studios, as directed by Council on October 6, 2011;
- Rezoning Policy for Greener Larger Sites has been superseded and removed from the list below. Please refer to the By-law Administration Bulletin, Ecocity Policies For Rezoning Of Sustainable Large Sites. A copy of the superseded document has been retained by the Rezoning Centre, for historical reference;
- Rezoning Policy for Greener Buildings and Green Building Rezoning Policy have been superseded and removed from the list below. Please refer to Green Buildings Policy for Rezonings (pdf, 198 kb) and the By-law Administration Bulletin, Green Rezoning Process. Copies of the superseded documents have been retained by the Rezoning Centre, for historical reference.
- Strathcona/Kiwassa RT-3 Guidelines (pdf, 968 kb) has been reposted with corrections to formatting of the Appendices, on November 9, 2011;
- Vancouver Heritage Register (pdf, 510 kb) has been updated to September 19, 2011, to reflect Council approval of additions, deletions and address changes since July 20, 2010;
- Rezoning Applications and Heritage Revitalisation Agreements During Community Plan Programs in the West End, Marpole and Grandview-Woodland (pdf, 200kb) was adopted by Council on July 28, 2011;
- Community Amenity Contributions - Through Rezonings (pdf,
1.4 mb) was amended to include the Cambie Corridor Phase 2 planning area, as adopted by Council on May 9, 2011;
- Chinatown HA-1 Design Guidelines (pdf, 29 mb) and Chinatown HA-1A Design Guidelines (pdf, 600 kb) were updated in response to the recommendations of the "Historic Area Height Review" and adopted by Council on April 19, 2011;
- Rezoning Policy for Chinatown South (HA-1A) (pdf, 300 kb) was adopted by Council on April 19, 2011;
- Transfer of Density Policy and Procedure (pdf, 875 kb) was amended with regard to the HA-1A District Schedule, as adopted by Council on April 19, 2011;
- View Protection Guidelines (pdf, 580 kb) was amended to include new view cones and modify existing view cones, as adopted by Council on February 1, 2011;
- General Policy for Higher Buildings (pdf, 161 kb) was updated to increase the environmental and architectural expectations of Higher Buildings and adding seven additional sites for consideration Downtown, as adopted by Council on February 1, 2011;
- The West End Commercial Area Plan, adopted by Council on May 26, 1986, has been added to the Commercial Policies and Guidelines list and is online only; and
- Tree Retention, Relocation and Replacement Guidelines were rescinded by decision of Council on December 1, 2009 - see the new Protection of Trees By-law.
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General Policies and Guidelines
- Adult Retail Store Guidelines (pdf, 79 kb)
- Affordable Housing Policies (pdf, 88 kb)
- Arbutus Centre Policy Statement (online only) (pdf, 1.81 mb)
- Arbutus Neighbourhood Policy Plan (pdf, 976 kb)
- Arbutus Ridge/Kerrisdale/Shaughnessy Community Vision (pdf, 167 kb)
- Arcade Guidelines (pdf, 78 kb)
- Artist Studio Guidelines (pdf, 79 kb)
- Balcony Enclosure Guidelines (pdf, 270 kb)
- Bed and Breakfast Accommodation Guidelines (pdf, 81 kb)
- Bingo Hall Guidelines (pdf, 62 kb)
- Bridgehead Guidelines (pdf, 582 kb)
- Broadway-Arbutus Policies (pdf, 265 kb)
- Broadway Station Area Plan Summary (online only) (pdf, 2.31 mb)
- Cabaret and Restaurant Guidelines (pdf, 221 kb)
- Cabaret Not Licensed to Serve Alcohol (Non-Alcoholic Dance Halls) (pdf, 154 kb)
- Casino - Class 1 Guidelines (pdf, 63 kb)
- Central Area Plan: Goals and Land Use Policy (pdf, 148 kb) | Central Area Plan - whole document (online only) (pdf, 3.41 mb)
- Central Waterfront Hub Framework (online only) (pdf, 15 mb)
- Central Waterfront Port Lands Policy Statement (pdf, 935 kb)
- Childcare Design Guidelines (pdf, 330 kb)
- Church Guidelines (pdf, 61 kb)
- CityPlan (online only) (pdf, 9.93 mb)
- Coal Harbour Policy Statement
- Community Amenity Contributions - Through Rezonings (pdf, 1.4 mb)
- Community Care Facility - Class B and Group Residence Guidelines (pdf, 72 kb)
- Drive-in Restaurant and Drive-through Service Guidelines (pdf, 79 kb)
- Dunbar Community Vision (pdf, 169 kb)
- East Fraserlands Policy Statement (online only) (pdf, 6,050 kb)
- East Vancouver Port Lands Area Plan (online only) (pdf, 2.54 mb)
- Enhanced Accessibility Guidelines (pdf, 1.60 mb)
- False Creek Policy Broadsheets
- Fraser River and Burrard Inlet Waterfront Policies and Guidelines (pdf, 80 kb)
- Green Buildings Policy for Rezonings (pdf, 198 kb) (for applications from August 3, 2010 to present)
- Guidelines for New Development Adjacent to Hotels and Rooming Houses (with Windows or Lightwells Near Interior Property Lines) (pdf, 358 kb)
- Hastings-Sunrise Community Vision (pdf, 127 kb)
- Heritage Facade Rehabilitation Program Policies and Procedures for Gastown, Chinatown, Hastings Street Corridor and Victory Square (pdf, 138 kb)
- Heritage Policies and Guidelines (pdf, 171 kb)
- High-Density Housing for Families with Children Guidelines (pdf, 143 kb)
- Interior Public Space Guidelines (DD, BCPED, C-3A, C-5, C-6 & FC-1 Districts) (pdf, 80 kb)
- Joyce Station Area Plan Summary (online only) (pdf, 3.46 mb)
- Kensington-Cedar Cottage Community Vision (pdf, 158 kb)
- Kingsway and Knight Neighbourhood Centre: Housing Area Plan (pdf, 376 kb)
- Kingsway and Knight Neighbourhood Centre: Shopping Area Public Realm and Pedestrian/Traffic Improvement Plan (pdf, 522 kb)
- Kiosk/Outdoor Mobile Vending Policy (pdf, 79 kb)
- Kitsilano Neighbourhood Plan (online only) (pdf, 88.6 kb) | Kitsilano Neighbourhood Plan Addendum (online only) (pdf, 88.6 kb)
- Langara College Policy Statement (pdf, 1.50 mb)
- Liquor Store Guidelines (pdf, 191 kb)
- Live-Work Use Guidelines (pdf, 67 kb)
- Mini-Storage Warehouse Guidelines (pdf, 58 kb)
- Mural Guidelines (pdf, 80 kb)
- Nainaimo/29th Avenue Station Area Plan Summary (online only) (pdf, 2.87 mb)
- Neighbourhood or Marine Public House Guidelines (pdf, 79 kb)
- Oakridge Centre Policy Statement (online only) (pdf, 7.71 mb)
- Parking Garage Security Guidelines (pdf, 80 kb)
- Pawnshop and Secondhand Store Guidelines (pdf, 79 kb)
- Plaza Design Guidelines (pdf, 370 kb)
- Principal Dwelling Unit combined with a Secondary Dwelling Unit Guidelines (pdf, 65 kb)
- Public Art Policies and Guidelines (pdf, 99 kb)
- Rezoning Applications and Heritage Revitalisation Agreements During Community Plan Programs in the West End, Marpole and Grandview-Woodland (pdf, 200kb)
- Riley Park/South Cambie Community Vision (pdf, 152 kb)
- Seniors Supportive and Assisted Housing Guidelines (pdf, 73 kb)
- Small Scale Pharmacy - Location and Operation Guidelines (pdf, 62 kb)
- Southlands Plan (online only) (pdf, 7.72 mb)
- Southlands Policies and Guidelines (pdf, 105 kb)
- Strata Title and Cooperative Conversion Guidelines (pdf, 221 kb)
- Sunset Community Vision (pdf, 211 kb)
- Transfer of Density Policy and Procedure (pdf, 875 kb)
- Vancouver Community College King Edward Campus Policy Statement (pdf, 6.47 mb)
- Vancouver Heritage Register (pdf, 510 kb)
- Victoria-Fraserview/Killarney Community Vision (pdf, 137 kb)
- View Protection Guidelines (pdf, 580 kb)
- Urban Agriculture Guidelines for the Private Realm (pdf, 104 kb)
- Water Wise Landscape Guidelines (online only) (pdf,
449 kb)
- West Georgia Street Tree and Sidewalk Design Guidelines (pdf, 792 kb)
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RA Policies and Guidelines
- Agricultural Land Reserve Policies (pdf, 122 kb)
- Southlands Plan (online only) (pdf, 7.72 mb)
- Southlands RA-1 Guidelines (pdf, 386 kb)
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RS Policies and Guidelines
- Boundary and Tanner RS-1 Guidelines (pdf, 243 kb)
- Charles/Adanac RS-1 Guidelines (pdf, 188 kb)
- Charles/Adanac RS-1 Rezoning Policy (1100 Block Boundary Road) (pdf, 79 kb)
- Deering Island RS-1 Guidelines (pdf, 105 kb)
- Multiple Conversion Dwelling Guidelines (RS-1A, RS-2, RS-4, RS-7S, RT-1 and RT-2 Districts) (pdf, 172 kb)
- Riverside RS-1B Guidelines (pdf, 149 kb)
- RS-1 Caretaker Dwelling Unit Guidelines (pdf, 160 kb)
- RS-2 and RS-7 Infill and Multiple Dwelling Guidelines (pdf, 255 kb)
- RS-5 Design Guidelines (pdf, 2.70 mb) | RS-5 Design Workbook (pdf, 2.42 mb)
- RS-6 Design Guidelines (pdf, 207 kb) | see also Administration Bulletin RS‑6 Explanatory Notes (pdf, 1.87 mb)
- RS-7 Guidelines (pdf, 1.57 mb) | see also Administration Bulletin RS-7 Explanatory Notes (pdf, 1.43 mb)
- RS Zones Impermeable Materials Site Coverage Guidelines for RS-1, RS-1A, RS-1B, RS-2, RS-3, RS-3A, RS-4, RS-5, RS-6, and RS-7 Zones (pdf, 205 kb)
- Strata Title Policies for RS, RT and RM Zones (pdf, 62 kb)
RS-3 and RS-3A, see RS-5 Design Guidelines below
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RT Policies and Guidelines
- Kitsilano Point RT-9 Guidelines (pdf, 316 kb)
- Kitsilano RT-7 and RT-8 Guidelines (pdf, 1.06 mb)
- Multiple Conversion Dwelling Guidelines (RS-1A, RS-2, RS-4, RS-7S, RT-1 and RT-2 Districts) (pdf, 172 kb)
- RT-4, RT-4A, RT-4N, RT-4AN, RT-5, RT-5A, RT-5N, RT-5AN and RT-6 Guidelines (pdf, 13.5 mb)
- RT-2 Multiple Dwelling Guidelines (pdf, 84 kb)
- RT-10 and RT-10N Small House/Duplex Guidelines (pdf, 3,320 kb)
- Strata Title Policies for RS, RT and RM Zones (pdf, 62 kb)
- Strathcona/Kiwassa RT-3 Guidelines (pdf, 968 kb)
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RM Policies and Guidelines
- Britannia/Woodland RM-4 and RM-4N Guidelines (pdf, 269 kb)
- Broadway Station Area RM-4 and RM-4N Guidelines (pdf, 280 kb)
- Fairview Heights RM-4 Guidelines (pdf, 223 kb)
- Fairview Slopes FM-1 Guidelines (pdf, 82 kb)
- Hudson Street RM-4 Guidelines (pdf, 98 kb)
- Kitsilano RM-4 Guidelines (pdf, 86 kb)
- Marpole Triangle RM-4 Guidelines (pdf, 272 kb)
- Mount Pleasant RM-4 and RM-4N Guidelines (pdf, 414 kb)
- RM-1 and RM-1N Courtyard Rowhouse Guidelines (pdf, 3,704 kb)
- Strata Title Policies for RS, RT and RM Zones (pdf, 62 kb)
- West End Georgia/Alberni Guidelines (pdf, 174 kb)
- West End RM-5, RM-5A, RM-5B and RM-5C Guidelines (pdf, 759 kb)
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C Policies and Guidelines
- Arbutus Neighbourhood C-7 and C-8 Guidelines (pdf, 625 kb)
- Broadway-Arbutus C-3A and 2000 Block West 10th Avenue (North Side) Guidelines (pdf, 1.43 mb)
- Broadway/Commercial C-2C Guidelines (pdf, 759kb)
- Broadway/Commercial C-3A Guidelines (pdf, 2.18 mb)
- Burrard Slopes C-3A Guidelines (pdf, 1.02 mb)
- C-1 Residential Guidelines (pdf, 222 kb)
- C-2 Guidelines (pdf, 308 kb)
- C-2B, C-2C and C-2C1 Guidelines (pdf, 97 kb)
- Cambie Street (East Side) C-3A Guidelines (pdf, 104 kb)
- Central Area Pedestrian Weather Protection (except Downtown South) (pdf, 710 kb)
- Central Area Plan: Goals and Land Use Policy: C-3A - Central Broadway (pdf, 94 kb)
- Central Broadway C-3A Urban Design Guidelines (pdf, 2.42 mb)
- DD (Except Downtown South) C-5, C-6, HA-1 and HA-2 Character Area Descriptions (pdf, 817 kb)
- East False Creek FC-1 Guidelines (pdf, 898 kb)
- Fraser Street C-2 Guidelines (pdf, 79 kb)
- Main Street C-3A Guidelines (pdf, 103 kb)
- North Burrard C-3A Guidelines (pdf, 2.12 mb)
- 605-645 West 8th Avenue C-3A Guidelines (pdf, 95 kb)
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M and I Policies and Guidelines
- Artist Studios in Industrial Districts Strata Title Conversion Guideline (pdf, 78 kb)
- Brewery Creek IC-3, C-3A, C-2C, RM-4, 4N Guidelines (pdf, 117 kb)
- Burrard Slopes IC Districts Interim Rezoning Policies and Guidelines (pdf, 809 kb)
- Cedar Cottage MC-1/Welwyn Street Planning Policies (pdf, 1.80 mb)
- Downtown District and IC-3 District Policies and Procedures for Low Cost Rental Artist Studios (pdf, 84 kb)
- East Vancouver Port Lands Area Plan (online only) (pdf, 2.54 mb)
- East Vancouver Port Lands CD-1 Guidelines (online only) (pdf, 332 kb)
- False Creek Flats Rezoning Policy: Additional General Office Use in “High Technology” Districts (pdf, 125 kb)
- Grandview Boundary Industrial Area Plan (pdf, 3.3 mb)
- Grandview Boundary Industrial Area Rezoning and Development Policies and Guidelines (pdf, 6.64 mb)
- Industrial Lands Policies (pdf, 212 kb)
- Large Format Area (LFA) Rezoning Policies and Guidelines: Marine Drive Industrial Area (pdf, 1,140 kb)
- M-1B Guidelines (pdf, 114 kb)
- MC-1 and MC-2 Guidelines for Cedar Cottage, Hudson Street, and East Hastings (Clark to Semlin) Areas (pdf, 2.0 mb)
- Mount Pleasant I-1 Guidelines (pdf, 61 kb)
- Non-Industrial Uses (I-2 And M-2) Policies and Guidelines (pdf, 75 kb)
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HA Policies and Guidelines
- Central Area Pedestrian Weather Protection (except Downtown South) (pdf, 710 kb)
- Chinatown HA-1 Design Guidelines (pdf, 29 mb)
- Chinatown HA-1A Design Guidelines (pdf, 600 kb)
- Chinatown Vision Directions (pdf, 84 kb)
- DD (except Downtown South), C-5, C-6, HA-1 and HA-2 Character Area Descriptions (pdf, 691 kb)
- Gastown HA-2 Design Guidelines (pdf, 2.72 mb)
- Office Conversion Policy (pdf, 207 kb)
- Rezoning Policy for Chinatown South (HA-1A) (pdf, 300 kb)
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CD-1 Policies and Guidelines
- Angus West CD-1 Design Guidelines (By-law No. 6063) (CD-1 No. 184) (pdf, 126 kb)
- 5299 Arbutus Street CD-1 Guidelines (By-law No. 7705) (CD-1 No. 371) (pdf, 79 kb)
- Arbutus/Vine Industrial Area CD-1 Guidelines (pdf, 1.89 mb)
- Bayshore Gardens CD-1 Guidelines (1601 West Georgia Street) (By-law No. 7232) (CD-1 No. 321) (pdf, 611 kb)
- Beach Neighbourhood CD-1 Guidelines (500 and 600 Pacific Street) (pdf, 796 kb)
- Burrard Landing (201 Burrard Street) CD-1 Guidelines (pdf, 1.71 mb)
- 900 Burrard Street CD-1 Guidelines (By-law No. 6421) (CD-1 No. 229) (pdf, 133 kb)
- Celtic Avenue CD-1 (No. 448) Design Guidelines (pdf, 946 kb)
- Champlain Heights South CD-1 Guidelines (Sub-Area 1, Church Site) (By-law No. 5381) (pdf, 153 kb)
- Commercial Drive East Lane CD-1 Guidelines (pdf, 80 kb)
- Commercial Station CD-1 Guidelines (pdf, 587 kb)
- East Vancouver Port Lands CD-1 Guidelines (pdf, 332 kb)
- Fraser Lands Block 67 to Kerr Street CD-1 Guidelines (pdf, 168 kb)
- Fraser Lands CD-1 Guidelines (Blocks 68 and 69) (pdf, 130 kb)
- Fraser Lands Champlain Heights South CD-1 Guidelines (By-law No. 5381 & 6537) (pdf, 348 kb)
- Great Northern Technology Park CD-1 Guidelines (555 Great Northern Way) (pdf, 290 kb)
- Harbour Green Neighbourhood CD-1 Guideines (501 Bute Street) (pdf, 966 kb)
- International Village (572 Beatty Street) CD-1 Guidelines (pdf, 795 kb)
- Joyce Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (McHardy and Vanness Avenue North Site) (By-law No. 6363) (pdf, 448 kb)
- Joyce Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (Vanness Avenue and McHardy Street Site) (By-law No. 6321) (pdf, 224 kb)
- Joyce Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (Vanness Avenue and Rupert Street Site) (By-law No. 6322) (pdf, 237 kb)
- Joyce Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (Vanness Avenue North, Rae Avenue & 5000-5300 Blocks Boundary Road) (By-law No. 6528) (pdf, 289 kb)
- Joyce Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (3450 Wellington Avenue Site) (By-law No. 6325) (pdf, 259 kb)
- Joyce Station Area CD-1 Guidelines for Sites A and B (By-law No. 6272) (pdf, 121 kb)
- Joyce/Vanness CD-1 Guidelines (By-law No. 7204) (CD-1 No. 314) (pdf, 759 kb)
- Marina Neighbourhood CD-1 Guidelines for Land Development (300 Cardero Street) (By-law No. 7200) (CD-1 No. 312) (pdf, 1.40 mb)
- Marina Neighbourhood CD-1 Guidelines for Marina Development (300 Cardero Street) (By-law No. 7200) (CD-1 No. 312) (pdf, 241 kb)
- Nanaimo Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (Kamloops Street and 24th Avenue Site) (By-law No. 6312) (pdf, 191 kb)
- Nanaimo Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (Nanaimo Street and 26th Avenue Site) (By-law No. 6313) (pdf, 403 kb)
- North Fraser Landing CD-1 Guidelines (1800-2100 East Kent Avenue South) (pdf, 127 kb)
- Quayside Neighbourhood CD-1 Guidelines (By-law No. 7284) (CD-1 No. 324) (pdf, 1.51 mb)
- Riverside Design CD-1 Guidelines (pdf, 505 kb)
- 1054 - 1098 Robson Street CD-1 Guidelines (By-law No. 7381) (CD-1 No. 331) (pdf, 105 kb)
- Roundhouse Neighbourhood CD-1 Guidelines (1200-1300 Pacific Boulevard) (By-law No. 7156) (CD-1 No. 297) (pdf, 1.39 mb)
- 901-967 & 940-990 Seymour Street CD-1 Guidelines (pdf, 94 kb)
- 598 Taylor Street CD-1 Guidelines (Phase 2B - Block 17) (pdf, 314 kb)
- 29th Avenue Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (28th Avenue and Kaslo Street Site) (By-law No. 6315) (pdf, 175 kb)
- 29th Avenue Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (29th Avenue at ALRT Station Site) (By-law No. 6317) (pdf, 239 kb)
- 29th Avenue Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (Kaslo Street-End Site) (By-law No. 6361) (pdf, 192 kb)
- 29th Avenue Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (Kings Avenue and Manor Street Site) (By-law No. 6319) (pdf, 226 kb)
- 29th Avenue Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (Kings Avenue and Rupert Street Site) (By-law No. 6320) (pdf, 210 kb)
- 29th Avenue Station Area CD-1 Guidelines (Slocan Street and 29th Avenue Site) (By-law No. 6316) (pdf, 237 kb)
- Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre (VCEC) CD-1 Guidelines - 100 Thurlow Street (pdf, 1.23 mb)
- Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) Precinct CD-1 Guidelines (pdf, 759 kb)
- 550 West 14th Avenue CD-1 Guidelines (pdf, 311 kb)
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Downtown (DD) Policies and Guidelines
- Central Area Pedestrian Weather Protection (except Downtown South) (pdf, 710 kb)
- Central Area Plan - whole document (online only) (pdf, 3.41 mb)
- DD (except Downtown South), C-5, C-6, HA-1 and HA-2 Character Area Descriptions (pdf, 691 kb)
- Downtown District and IC-3 District Policies and Procedures for Low Cost Rental Artist Studios (pdf, 84 kb)
- Downtown District Low Cost Housing Policies and Procedures (pdf, 83 kb)
- Downtown (except Downtown South) Design Guidelines (pdf, 100 kb)
- Downtown South Guidelines (excluding Granville Street) (pdf, 2.64 mb)
- General Policy for Higher Buildings (pdf, 161 kb)
- Granville Loops Policies and Guidelines (online only) (pdf, 6.7 mb)
- Granville Street (Downtown South) Guidelines (pdf, 135 kb)
- Office Conversion Policy (pdf, 207 kb)
- Rezoning Policy for the Central Business District (CBD) and CBD Shoulder (pdf, 291 kb)
- Triangle West Policies (pdf, 99 kb)
- Victory Square Guidelines (pdf, 1.18 mb)
- Victory Square Policy Plan (pdf, 982 kb)
- 1400 West Hastings & Pender Street Guidelines (pdf, 724 kb)
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Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer (DEOD) Policies and Guidelines
- Central Area Plan - whole document (online only) (pdf, 3.41 mb)
- Downtown-Eastside/Oppenheimer Design Guidelines (pdf, 844 kb)
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False Creek (FCCDD) Policies and Guidelines
- Reference Document for Granville Island False Creek - Area 9 (pdf, 1.56 mb)
False Creek North (FCN) Policies and Guidelines
- Protocols for the Monitoring and Management of Event Noise (pdf, 160kb)
- Mitigation of Event-related Noise for Residential Buildings Policy (pdf,
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Southeast False Creek (SEFC) Policies and Guidelines
- Southeast False Creek Design Guidelines for Additional Penthouse Storeys (pdf, 60 kb)
- Southeast False Creek Green Building Strategy (pdf, 63 kb)
- Southeast False Creek Policy
Southeast Granville Slopes (SEGS) Policies and Guidelines
- Granville Slopes Policies (pdf, 96 kb)
- Under the Granville Bridge Neighbourhood Commercial Centre Policies and Guidelines (pdf, 4.86 mb)
- Index (pdf, 26 kb)
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Questions or Comments? E-mail: